Top Ten Seasonal Pleasures of Fall: Number 6- Gourds

Although the most popular gourd for fall decorating is the pumpkin, there are so many other gourds that are so interesting and beautiful, I love using them whenever possible.

assorted gourds and mini pumpkins, fall, autumn


Aren't the various colors and textures so amazing…I think they look especially great when all grouped together in a large bowl…very rustic and simple, but elegant.


I love how these gourds were hollowed out and used as candle holders…very pretty!


This is another terrific way to display assorted pumpkins and gourds- in simple glass vases.

So, when decorating this fall, think beyond the traditional orange pumpkins and add a few unususal gourds to your decor…


Personally, I like to add a little white starfish and some sunflowers to my basket of gourds…but that's jut me! 


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